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Daniela Pylypczak-Wasylyszyn is an analyst and writer at Mitre Media, where she contributes articles and analysis each week. Since joining the team in 2011, Daniela has quickly grown to be one of the most widely-followed authors in the ETF and investment industry. Her articles are syndicated on a number of online publications, including Financial Advisor Magazine, Fidelity.com, and Yahoo! Finance. Daniela graduated from DePaul University with a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics, as well as a minor in theoretical and computational physics.

Recent Content By Daniela Pylypczak-Wasylyszyn
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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

15 Counties Worth Investing In

With over 3,100 counties in the U.S., choosing which county’s municipal bond to invest in...

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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

25 Universities With Attractive Municipal Bonds

When most people think of municipal bonds, they think of debt issued by a government institution....

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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

Bond Investment Strategies: Ladders, Barbells and Bullets

Fixed-income investing can be a great way for investors to minimize risk and see steady interest...

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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

Investing in the 15 Richest Counties

[Updated on October 5, 2017 by Joshua Hudson] The U.S. comprises over 3,100 individual counties,...

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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

The Top 10 Safest Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds are great investment tools, especially if an investor can take advantage of their...

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Municipal Bonds 101

Accrued Interest: Definition, Formula, and Example

Bonds are the cornerstone of traditional debt financing for both the public and private sector...

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Taxation for Municipal Bonds

Are Municipal Bonds Exempt From State Taxes?

One of the advantages of municipal bonds is that they are free of state income taxes. As a...

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Municipal Bonds 101

General Obligation vs. Revenue Bonds: A MunicipalBonds.com Guide

There are over 80,000 issuers of municipal bonds in the United States. With so many different...

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How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

Muni Bond ETFs: A Beginner's Guide

Municipal bonds are worth considering for any investor aiming to conserve capital while receiving...

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Municipal Bonds Risk Management

Municipal Bond Analysis: 6 Bond Market Indicators

The municipal bond market is estimated to be approximately $3.7 trillion in size as of July of...

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Municipal Bonds 101

Municipal Bond Insurance: A Guide

Investors buy bonds to ensure a steady stream of interest payment income over the period of...

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Municipal Bonds 101

Municipal Bond Investing Glossary

Municipal bonds are a great way for investors to preserve capital and generate tax-free income....

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Taxation for Municipal Bonds

Municipal Bonds and Taxes: What Investors Need To Know

Municipal bonds can be very attractive to investors because of their beneficial tax treatment....

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Municipal Bonds 101

The Municipal/Treasury Ratio: How Investors Should Use It

Muni investing is popular because it has the potential to offer higher yields than similar...

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Municipal Bonds 101

What Are Build America Bonds?

In 2009, the United States was suffering a major recession that had bond market investors running...

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Municipal Bonds 101

What Are Pre-Refunded Municipal Bonds?

Municipal Bonds are generally seen as safe investments since they are often backed by a series of...

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From Bitcoin to Bonds: The Unexpected Blockchain Revolution in Muni Markets

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have captured the attention of many investors,...

Municipal Bonds 101

Muni Market Crosscurrents: Balancing Risks and Opportunities in 2025

With the new year nearly a quarter finished, a variety of trends and themes have already started...

Municipal Bonds 101

Why Would I Buy a Premium Municipal Bond

There are numerous advantages to having tax-free municipal bonds in your investment portfolio.